Hello and welcome to ApartmentWOD!
Tight on cash? Want to push yourself, but can't afford membership to a CrossFit gym? You're at the right place! (wow, how cliche and corny was that...I'll work on it).
What is this blog about?
I am young, married, have student loans, and don't have a lot of disposable income. Sound familiar? Thought so. I have been working on my individual Crossfit-style programming for a while now, with only one unique feature...I only have my apartment gym to use. I realized that there are probably a lot of people in a similar situation as me, so I figured I could act as a resource, since I've been doing this on my own for over a year now. I plan to post regular workouts that can be done with minimal equipment.
For example, my current apartment gym only has some basic machines, dumbbells up to 50 lbs, med balls, and a pull-up rig. I will admit, that I have made a few purchases to supplement this equipment, in the form of rings, an abmat, and a good jump rope.
What can you expect to find at ApartmentWOD?
I try to mix up my training by throwing in some strength components, as well as some core stability and athletic movements. This is primarily geared towards those "Weekend Warriors" such as myself. I like to play recreational sports, I ski/snowboard, wakeboard, do triathlons, and just want to look good and be as fit as possible, without breaking the bank. If your goals are similar, this may be the place for you! Follow along for awhile, and see what you think!
P.S. I am always open to suggestions/ideas, as I know damn well I'm not even scratching the surface of what is possible. Feel free to call me an idiot and tell me what I'm doing wrong...it will only make me (and in turn, you) better!
I hope you find this blog beneficial in your pursuit of fitness! Now lets get going!