Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday, April 1

Today's WOD: Double Fran.

Obviously that was an April Fool's joke...and a lame one at that.  I am still recovering from 14.5, so there will definitly not be thrusters in the menu today.  I actually got the chance to do 14.5 at an affiliate for free, which was an awesome experience.

Crossfit Verve, here in Denver (Matt & Cherie Chan's gym) was hosting a free party/open workout all Saturday morning.  I signed up to do 14.5 at 10 am, and it was honestly one of (if not the) worst workout of my life.  It was awesome being surrounded by great athletes, but man, it was brutal.

Then the wife and I decided to go ski Sunday...great idea.  So needless to say, I'm still a little beat up.  So yesterday (Monday, March 31), all I did was go for a little walk outside.  Just wanted to move around a little, get some vitamin D, and relax.  Today however, it's back to the grind.

As I said in the intro post, I like to mix some typical strength work in everyday, kind of similar to the way a bodybuilder or weightlifter would.  Also, if you've ever come across CrossFit Mayhem's website (www.crossfitmayhem.com), they do something similar.  In my opinion, it allows me to make the best out of the limited equipment that I have access to (and hopefully does the same for you).  I then like to do a metcon, following by some skill/accessory work.  Today will go as follows:


Overhead Press.  Work up to heavy 5x5.  (I realized that being stronger overhead would probably have helped more in 14.5, therefore it is one "weakness" that I am going to work on for next year).

Chest Press.  4x8.  Find something that challenges you each set.


6 Rounds for Time:
5 strict handstand pushups
10 toes-to-bar
15 pushups
Lunge walk the length of the apartment gym with heavy med ball overhead


Work 10 minutes on pistols

